Sheep Dairy Association of Wisconsin looking for new Project Manager

The SDAW Board of Directors is looking for someone with an interest in the sheep dairy industry to continue to grow the industry beginning no later than January 1, 2019.

The Sheep Dairy Association of Wisconsin is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that strives to expand the sheep dairy industry in the greater Wisconsin Area.  The organization requires an organizational manager to guide the growth and development of the organization and take primary responsibility in fulfilling the organizations mission.

The SDAW board is looking for an individual who has the following skills and background to provide approximately 50 hours per month of work on behalf of the organization. 

·       Strong writing and editing skills

·       Nonprofit organizational management

·       Strong communication skills including networking, social and print media, website design and maintenance, and Marketing materials design

·       Technical writing, grant management and funds development are a plus.

 Ideal candidate will have needed credentials and ability to work independently as a contracted consultant to the organization. 

Patty Koenig, Carr Valley Cheese and Board Secretary, will be accepting electronic applications at Please submit a cover letter, resume (no more than 3 pages in length), and sample of marketing or media work. Application deadline is December 1, 2018 or until position is filled.